Chris Lam, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Technical Communication


Principal Financial Group (2009)

Description: Developed online leadership training modules.

Skills: HTML/CSS, content development, needs analysis, audience analysis, slide design


ASTD Training (2006)

Description: Designed and developed instructor and participant training materials for the Chicagoland Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development.

Skills: Needs analysis, audience analysis, content developement, slide design


iGroups Collaboration Software (2005-2008)

URL: iGroups Team Management System

Description: Managed two developers and a front-end designer from the initial conceptualization to design to development (until v.2.1).

Skills: Project management, needs analysis, audience analysis, user research, usability testing, functionality testing


iKnow Content Repository (2005-2007)

URL: iGroups Team Management System

Description: Managed two developers in designing and developing the knowledge management system.

Skills: Project management, needs analysis, audience analysis, user research, usability testing, functionality testing